emea top tier firms 2020Legal500 2020

“The individual lawyers within this firm, their knowledge of the shipping sector, and their knowledge of Dutch law make this firm unique. They are very approachable, and offer good value for money.

“The team is commercial, down-to-earth and sensible in its advice. Its turnaround time is impressively quick. The attention to detail is excellent. The right team members are used for each case – which means efficient working practices and no surprises on invoices.


Limiting liability under the CLNI through a general limitation fund or dangerous goods fund?

In December 2022 the inland waterway tanker PIZ BERNINA carried a consignment of Acetic Anhydride as well as a consignment of Propionic Acid from Antwerp to Amsterdam.

Storm damage and vessel’s fault

In February 2022, storm 'Eunice' passed over the Netherlands with wind gusts of over 100 kilometers per hour. Among other things, the storm lifted the hatches of a barge. These hatches then hit another barge, causing damage to this vessel.

Contamination of cargo, shipper's own fault?

Usually, in the case of carrying a cargo of fuel, the ship's tanks are inspected by a cargo inspector prior to loading. It follows from a recent judgment of the Court of Rotterdam, that the content of the certificate issued by the cargo inspector can have an impact on the liability question and extent of damage.

Smallegange Lawyers

Smallegange is a specialized boutique firm. It specializes itself in a national and international advisory and dispute resolution practice with an emphasis on serving clients in the maritime, transportation, construction and engineering, oil and gas, energy, petrochemical and financial services industries and the insurance sector.

The firm services a great variety of domestic and foreign clients, including (hull, cargo and liability) insurers, P&I clubs, banks and financial services providers, shipping companies, (maritime) contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, stevedores, shipyards and ship managers.

Smallegange developed itself over the years as one of the boutique firms in the Netherlands.

Through its international practice, Smallegange has good relationships with a vast number of foreign firms which ensures that clients can be assisted quickly and efficiently also in case foreign aspects are in play. In addition to Dutch and English, our lawyers also speak German.

The lawyers at Smallegange operate as a team with a practical and no-nonsense attitude and a strong emphasis on a direct and open relationship with the client, who may be assured that matters will be dealt with by the lawyer instructed. The firm and its lawyers regularly receive recommendations by independent ranking agencies such as Legal500, Chambers, Who’s Who Legal and Expert Guides.